domingo, 12 de fevereiro de 2012

Reconhecimento pela PC PILOT MAGAZINE

Hoje recebi um email do joe lavery staff da revista Pc pilot Magazine querendo colocar em sua revista meu cenário de joão pessoa, levei um susto quando li e ao mesmo tempo muito feliz pelo reconhecimento do cenário pois não sabia que iria ganhar essa proporção toda.

My name is Joe Lavery and I’m a staff writer for PC Pilot magazine, a full-colour UK-based flight simulation magazine which we publish bi-monthly and sell worldwide (see for more details about the magazine).
In each issue we include eleven freeware downloads on our free cover CD, to accompany the usual FS demos, patches and so on. I’ll stress that we never include any files for which we don’t have express permission from all concerned, and that we don’t charge for the cover CD  it is always given away free with the magazine.
The files we try to include are those which have particularly impressed us, and we wondered if you would be so good as to allow us to include your  file on the next issue’s CD. We would, of course, include the name(s) of those responsible for the creation of the files and print the URL of your personal website or that of your design team. We’ll also gladly send you a copy of the magazine and cover CD.
In the early years of publishing the magazine, we used to just recommend freeware downloads to our readers, but we were deluged with mail asking if we could include files on our cover CD.
Thank you for considering our request, and I look forward to your reply. Please feel free to come back to me with any further questions, or to contact the editor (
Kind regards
Joe Lavery

Fico muito agradecido por todos usuários que baixaram meu cenário e aprovaram e elogiaram pois isso me motiva mais ainda para a criação de cenários para o flight simulator.

Abraço a todos